Amid concerns surrounding Bill C-18, some question the legislation’s ability to help smaller, ethnic media outlets.
Some questions remain on how the government will roll out its promises to prioritize their applications and allow free visa extensions.
The feds have earmarked millions to hasten residency and citizenship applications, as well as diversity and inclusion initiatives.
Federal organizations, including the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants and the RCMP, are conducting an international awareness campaign.
Based on hearing transcripts and a lawyer who represents 36 impacted students, NCM details the scam and how cases are being handled.
"It hurts when I'm still considered a foreigner just because of my East Asian physical features.”
“This program has helped me a lot not only to find work but also to build my confidence."
"The Iranian community in Canada cannot be happy because people in Iran are not happy.”
Harem Jamal spent his childhood years in refugee camps. Now he uses art to process the trauma.
The affordable housing crisis across the country is a trainwreck that could derail immigration targets, experts say